We have 6 birthdays listed for March 28.
March 28th is the 87th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the France defeating Spain in the Peninsular War's Battle of Medellín and the establishment of the Paris Commune. Famous March 28th birthdays include Cheryl James, Vince Vaughn, Julia Stiles, and Lady Gaga. March 28th also marks Respect Your Cat Day.
Kate Gosselin’s Birthday
For this fabulous mother of eight and successful reality star, no challenge is too big!
Jackson Wang’s Birthday
This triple threat is constantly surprising his fans with his insatiable drive and versatility.
Caleb Coffee’s Birthday
He is an incredible social media rockstar who achieved his fame by making jokes!
Lady Gaga’s Birthday
Learn more about this American icon and infuse some of her creativity into your day.