We have 5 birthdays listed for March 25.
March 25th is the 84th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of successful completion of the 4-day, 50-mile march led by Martin Luther King Jr and the delivery of the first fully functional Space Shuttle orbiter, the Columbia, to prepare for its first launch. Famous March 25th birthdays include Elton John, Marcia Cross, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Danica Patrick. March 25th also marks International Waffle Day.
Big Sean’s Birthday
For this hip-hop and songwriter sensation, the world is his oyster! Celebrate him today!
Elton John’s Birthday
Learn more about the iconic and immensely talented singer, Elton John, right here!
Aretha Franklin’s Birthday
Singer, songwriter and pianist, the Queen of Soul was a force to be reckoned with!