March Holidays
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March 19th Holidays

We have 15 holidays listed for March 19.

March 19th is the 78th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the U.S. Congress establishing time zones, approving daylight saving time and the release of Bob Dylan's first album. Famous March 19th birthdays include Glenn Close, Bruce Willis, and Andy Reid. March 19th also marks National Let’s Laugh Day and National Poultry Day.

National Poultry Day

We are biased; chickens rule poultry. We are just going to have to wing this one.


Certified Nurses Day

Not only is it one America's largest professions, but it is also one of the most significant in its impact on society.


International Client's Day

Let us recognize the individuals who contribute to the success of our businesses.


International Read To Me Day

The organizers behind the day aim to improve the literacy standards of the children around them.


National Automatic Door Day

Awesome new ways to celebrate this day are knocking… are you listening?


National Backyard Day

Backyards are more than small green spaces outside our homes. Find out why they're so special.


National Chocolate Caramel Day

The irresistible combination of chocolate and caramel never fails to impress those with a sweet tooth.


National SBDC Day

National SBDC Day offers the means to support small businesses and startups in America.


National Stretch Mark Day

Today is the day to embrace and celebrate your body including your stretch marks!


Operation Iraqi Freedom Day

Let's pause and take the time to acknowledge this period in United States history.


Small Business Development Centers Day

Learn more about how to honor the efforts of small business owners in the U.S.


St Joseph's Day Venezuela

Learn the history, get new celebration ideas, and enjoy incredible facts about this day.


St. Joseph's Day

It’s time to pump up your holy spirits because it is St. Joseph’s Day!