We have 7 birthdays listed for October 29.
October 29th is the 302nd day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day Hurricane Mitch, the second deadliest Atlantic hurrican in history, made landfall in Honduras; the South African Truth and Reconcilation Commission published its first report, and the New York Stock Exchange crashed on what became to be known as Black Tuesday. Famous October 29th birthdays include Winona Ryder and Richard Dreyfuss. Today is National Cat Day and National Internet Day.
Moses Hacmon’s Birthday
This exceptional photographer manages to capture the beauty of nature using water.
Gabrielle Union’s Birthday
This strong woman does not fear becoming the voice of those who share her hardships.
Ellie Thumann’s Birthday
She's still young but Ellie Thumann has already made quite a name for herself online.
Christopher Wallace, Jr.’s Birthday
Is Christopher Wallace Jr. an independent man, or is he following in his father’s footsteps?
Bob Ross’s Birthday
American painter, exceptional art teacher, and T.V host — Bob Ross was just overflowing with skills.