We have 6 birthdays listed for August 13.
August 13th is the 225th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day in 1517, present-day Mexico City was conquered by Hernando Cortez. In 1972, french revolutionaries imprisoned the entire French Royal Family. In 1942, Walt Disney's 'Bambi' debuted at Radio City Music Hall. Annie Oakley, Alfred Hitchcock and Fidel Castro were born on August 13th. National Prosecco Day, National Filet Mignon Day and National Left Handers Day are all celebrated on August 13th.
Sebastian Stan’s Birthday
The talented actor was not always the bonafide personality he is today.
Kendu Isaacs’s Birthday
For this talented music manager, his legacy will live on in sound.
Jaemin’s Birthday
This Korean rapper, actor, singer, and dancer’s journey has only just begun.
Amber Scholl’s Birthday
For this creative YouTuber, irrevocable fame and success are one post away.