June Birthdays
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June 8th Birthdays

We have 5 birthdays listed for June 8.

June 8th is the 159th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, dies in Medina, James Madison introduces a proposed Bill of Rights in the US House of Representatives, and George Orwell's “Nineteen Eighty-Four” is published. Famous birthdays include Frank Lloyd Wright, Kanye West, Barbara Bush, Joan Rivers, and Rosanna Pansino. Today is National Best Friends’ Day and World Oceans Day.

Harley Reese’s Birthday

This young talent is just beginning her journey to success, and we love to see it!


Joan Rivers’s Birthday

For this matriarch, she can rest in knowing the impact she made is immortal.


Cody Rigsby’s Birthday

For the vibrant Cody Rigsby, success in life comes from persistence and dreaming big.