We have 6 birthdays listed for May 31.
May 31st is the 151st day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day 1998 QE2 whizzed by the earth, making it the astroid to come closest to the earth in two centuries; the last of more than 15 million Ford Model Ts rolls off the assembly line, and the RMS Titanic is launched in Belfast, Ireland. Famous May 31st birthdays include Walt Whitman and Brooke Shields. Today is National Macaroon Day and World No Tobacco Day.
Mo3’s Birthday
This talented rapper can rest knowing his music made an impact worldwide.
Colin Farrell’s Birthday
This actor is creating a timeless legacy that will always be relevant.
Clint Eastwood’s Birthday
This veteran actor has set the standard for present and future actors.
Azealia Banks’s Birthday
Rapper, music producer, and actor; is there anything Azealia Banks cannot do?