April Birthdays
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April 30th Birthdays

We have 5 birthdays listed for April 30.

April 30th is the 120th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, the completion of Albert Einstein’s doctoral thesis, and the opening of the New York World’s Fair. Famous April 30th birthdays include Gal Gadot, Dianna Agron, and Travis Scott. April 30th also marks International Jazz Day, National Honesty Day, and National Raisin Day.

BeastBoyShub’s Birthday

Here’s everything you need to know about Indian YouTuber and gaming sensation BeastBoyShub.


Dianna Agron’s Birthday

For her beauty and charm, this former Gleek was featured in a Japanese song.


Ayisha Diaz’s Birthday

She once told herself that she’ll be famous and look where she is now.