We have 6 birthdays listed for April 21.
April 21st is the 111th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the Lisbon Massacre coming to an end and the opening of the Seattle World’s Fair. Famous April 21st birthdays include Tony Danza, Andie MacDowell, Glen Hansard, and Rob Riggle. April 21st also marks Husband Appreciation Day and National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day.
Lisa Frank’s Birthday
An entrepreneur of Lisa Frank’s stature creates quite an impression on many generations.
Jessey Stevens’s Birthday
This young model and social media sensation has amassed a loyal fanbase. Discover why!
James McAvoy’s Birthday
This amazing actor has earned recognition as the crème de la crème of British acting talent.
Elizabeth II’s Birthday
The ascension of the greatest and most famous British monarch that the world has ever known.